Intuitive Decision Making : How To Develop Intuition

Intuitive Decision Making : How To Develop Intuition

This post is for anyone who is interested in intuitive decision making. We will be discussing the power of intuition, or the 6th sense, which is also identified as creative thought patterns that are considered direct downloads from the universe. And then, we’ll be  going into detail on how to develop your intuition and be able to make intuitive decisions in business and life. As always, I will give you a super easy to use tool that will help you in developing intuition and help you tune into your subconscious mind anytime you want to consult it!


Intuitive decision making - How to develop intuition



On any given day, business owners are faced with ever challenging situations, required to make important decisions. Some like to look at data, historical statistics and make logical decisions. While others rely more on their gut feeling. And some, on little bit of both. But for us soul-centered entrepreneurs, we are more inclined to listen to our intuition more than anything else. And as it turns out, they are the best decisions we end up making. Wouldn’t you agree?

Personally, I like hard facts, numbers and data. I like to take into account the pros and cons of making a decision. I’m one of those people who wants hard evidence but ends up making the decision based on  my intuition. And honestly, anytime I have a strong intuitive nudge, it ends up being the right answer.

But the problem is, although we humans have this super power like ability to tune in to our gut, the subconscious or the 6th sense, we are also highly out of tune with it all. Most of the time, we cannot hear our intuition, ignore our intuitive thoughts or confuse egoic thoughts with it.

And then there is also the million dollar question, is intuition even real? How can we base important decisions on something we don’t even know for sure exists?

Let give you a few intuition examples. And you decide if intuitive thinking is important, and if you still want to develop intuition or not.

Back in 1983, an art dealer approached the J. Paul Getty Museum in California. He had a marble statue from the 6th century B.C, of a nude young male. This sculpture is known as the Kouros and is a scarce artifact. The statue was well preserved and was priced at just under $10 million. The Getty museum was thrilled to have it in their possession but before buying it, they needed to confirm it’s authenticity. After taking it in on loan, they spent 14 months doing their due diligence to verify it’s authenticity.  After being analysed by a highly qualified team of geologists and a team of lawyers backtracking the paperwork, they concluded the statute was the real deal. Or was it?

The kourous had a problem. It didn’t look quite right. When the Italian art historian Federico Zeri saw it later, he knew that something about the kourous didn’t look right. But he couldn’t exactly put a finger on it to immediately articulate what the problem was.

Evelyn Harrison was the next one to see this. She was the world’s foremost expert on Greek sculpture. In that very first moment she saw the statue, she too didn’t know what exactly was the problem with it.  She says that she had a hunch. An instinctive sense that something was not right.

A few months later, Thomas Hoving, the former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York took a look at it. He always makes a note of the first word that comes to his mind. And the word for kouros was “fresh”. Not quite the right word for something that is two thousand years old.

The statue was then seen by Georgios Dontas, the head of the archeological Society in Athens.  He says that when he first saw the statute he felt as though  there was a glass between him and the work.  Angelos Delivorrias, director of Benaki Museum in Athens was then able to go into much more detail on the contradictory style of the sculpture  from something that was dug up from the times it was supposed to have been made in.

For the longest time, it wasn’t clear. The Kouros was the kind of thing that art experts argued about at conferences. But after a while and being seen by many experts, things were starting to come together.  Turns out, the paperwork were fakes just as the statute was. So did the scientific analysis fail completely? Not really, upon further analysis they uncovered that the aged effect was made possible using potato mold on the surface of the marble.

All the people who were able to have a “hunch” about it simply experienced an intuitive repulsion which turned out to be right. They were able to understand the quality of the statue just by glancing at it while the team at the Getty failed to understand it with 14 months of analysis.

If you want to read this story in better detail, check out the book Blink by Malcom Gladwell, where he explores the idea of  thinking without thinking. He talks about the internal computer, the part of our brain that leaps into conclusions like this, which is called the adaptive unconscious. It’s  able to quickly and quietly process a lot of the data we need to function. It is also the only way we humans could ever have survived as a species. It’s like being able to drive on auto pilot without any input from the conscious driver.

Another great example of intuition and intuitive decision making at work is the story of one of America’s most successful financiers, the late Dr. Elmer Gates of Chevy Chase. He had this habit of closing his eyes two or three minutes before making a decision. When asked why, he has said that he was able to draw upon a source of superior intelligence when he closed his eyes. In his lab, he had what he called a “personal communications room”. It was sound proof and he was able to shut off all lights and held a small table with a writing pad. In Front of the table was a wall where he could control the lights. Whenever Dr. Gates wanted to consult his creative imagination, he would go into his room, seat himself at the table, shut off the lights and concentrate on the facts that are known to him regarding the matter at hand, until ideas began to ‘flash’ into his mind in connection with the unknown factors of his invention or problem he was working on. In the book Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill shares this story and goes on to say how on one occasion, ideas just came so fast that Dr. Gates wrote for almost three hours. When he was done, he examined his notes and found that the information was unparallel to any data known in the scientific world at the time. And the answer to his problem was presented intelligently in those notes. Using this same method, Dr. gates had completed over 200 patents and are now lying the United States Patent Office.

The story of Dr. Gates doesn’t stop there. He had earned his living by “sitting for ideas” for individuals and corporations. Some large corporations paid him large sums of money to just sit with them for ideas. How amazing is that?

So do you think this ability is only for a few genious? I refuse to believe so. We are all born with this capability. We just need to uncover it, wipe off the dust and let the diamond of intuition shine.

How does intuition work


For the most part, we depend on our conscious thinking. We like to reason things out. We prefer logic over “hunch”. Unfortunately, the reasoning faculty in our brain is faulty. Because reasoning comes from accumulated experience, learned knowledge or conditioned thought patterns. And not all accumulated knowledge is accurate.

Ideas received through creative faculties are more reliable simply because they come from sources more reliable than any other source available to the reasoning part of our mind.

So when ideas come flashing, or when we have a hunch about something, where is it all coming from?

It has been identified that they come from one or more of the following sources:

  1. The Universe, the super computer, the infinite intelligence (all names for the main universal source)
  2. Your own subconscious mind where we store every single sense impression and thought impulse that ever reached our brain
  3. From the mind of someone else who released the thought


So if you are able to tap into any of the above, and be able to access them on demand, you too can become an intuitive genius.

When the mind is vibrating at a higher level, a frequency that is higher than the average thought pattern, this is when you are able to make intuitive decisions.


How to develop intuition


In short, to vibrate at a higher rate of thought frequency, we need brain activity to be stimulated.

There are three successful methods that I am aware of developing intuition.


First, the Bonus, I have created a guided hypnosis session you can download for free to tune in to your subconscious ind for intuitive answers. You can get it via the this link.


although in my experience the second best method, is narrated by Napolean Hill, in his book Think & grow rich. He suggests 10 mind stimuli to stimulate the mind. Desire for sex expression, love, burning desire for fame, power, or money, music, friendship, a master mind alliance, mutual suffering, auto-suggestion (also known as affirmations), fear and narcotics. He recommends stimulating the mind using one of these mind stimuli to increase your mind frequency and then concentrating upon the known factors of your problem. Afterwards, let the subconscious take over, relax and clear the mind of ALL thought and wait for your answer to flash into your mind.

Second, and also solely my opinion, and what has worked for me over the years after being on a journey to dissolve the ego for oh so many years and then some, I bring to you the Blissful Intuitive Decision Making Formula.

If you really look at it, intuition is drawing ideas from the highest source possible. And the ONLY way you can “connect to the source” is by “clearing the mind of all thought”. Which automatically takes you to a “higher vibrational plane”.

So how can we clear the mind of all thought?

The simple and short answer? Mindfulness. Now I have to say, mindfulness is sometimes identified as “being aware of what you are thinking”. So we end up “looking back” at what we thought and remedying things. Which is fine and is a great start. Or keeping an alarm to remind ourselves to breath and be present. These are all great but if you need to reach the source for inspiration, for intuitive decision making, you gotta go way beyond that.

The purpose of Mindfulness meditation is to just be. Like the pure sense of the universe. It’s purpose is to see thoughts pass by, then not have thoughts at all. To completely dissolve the ego. Which I believe is also Nirvana, or returning to pure consciousness. So ultimately, the purpose is to not have a purpose at all. I know, it might sound gibberish to some, and if you don’t quite grasp this philosophy, it’s totally fine.

Because, in order to be intuitive and make intuitive decisions, we don’t need to go that far. But we do need to learn how to “just be”. To be mindful and clear out thoughts at least for a good 5 minutes.

If you are new to mindfulness, I wouldn’t expect to clear 100% of thoughts even if it’s for 5 minutes. It takes practice but all we need is some clarity and space if the goal is just intuition.

Funnily enough, it’s very hard for me to give exact instructions to create stillness. Have you noticed Spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Mooji & Osho has never given step by step guides to inner freedom?

However, you can use techniques like “body scanning” to create stillness. Body scanning is simply becoming aware of your body and inner body. Be aware of the seat you are seated on, you legs, arms and be aware of the fact that you exist and maintain that attention on your physical existence.

When thoughts come along, notice them, let them pass. If you were standing at a train station, there’d be lots of trains pass by. These are your thoughts. Don’t get on these train. Let them pass by. If you happen to follow along any thought, when you realize you are being taken away by that thought, simply drop it and let it go.

The more you practice noticing, becoming aware of your thoughts and the more you not follow them, letting them pass, the more you’ll realize there is space within. But don’t get obbssed with the space. You’re neither the space within nor the things and sounds of the outside. Simply be. And the more you “be” the higher your mind’s vibration.

You can then simply ask your question from within and receive flashes, hunches or thoughts just like in the stories above.

The best part? The more you practice mindfulness, the more you become present and conscious in your everyday life. You will start vibrating at a higher level at all times. You are more present, in the moment, with less thought noise. Which means, your intuition can be heard! Never ignored! Isn’t that just wonderful?!

Now, if you want to go the route of mindfulness, I invite you to check out the 7 days of mindfulness meditation audios.


Intuition meditation

Being a hypnotist, I cannot leave you with only the hard approached to developing a strong intuition. Because there is another way. Which also happens to be my go-to method to access the subconscious mind – hypnosis!

Remember how earlier I mentioned Napolean Hills method to intuitive access? He says to let the subconscious take over, relax and clear the mind of ALL thought and wait for your answer to flash into your mind.

With hypnosis, we relax the body and the mind to a level at which you are able to speak directly to the subconscious. And I have created for you a guided hypnosis audio recording to tune into your subconscious for Intuitive decision making! You can simply put on your earphones and listen to it like a guided meditation.
In it, you will be guided into a highly relaxed state and have your unconscious mind take you to your own special place in your mind, where you are able to consult the deepest parts of your mind for the answers you need right now. You may find your answers right away or you may find randomly getting flashes, ideas or hunches later as you go through your day to day life.
I have personally, used this audio many times to find answers to some very important business decision and they have been accurate and the most powerful insights I have ever received from my own self. It was overwhelmingly incredible to say the least.
I won’t tell you to believe me. Try it out for yourself! You can download the audio all for free through the link below.




If you wish to remain in a higher state of intuitive vibration, I still recommend mindfulness and using this audio alternatively to shine and cut the diamond of intuitive powers that lie dormant within you. Yes, you got the power right within. Reach for it, put it to use and use it again and again. Enjoy!

PS: Did you like this article? Leave a comment below and share with me a time you went with your gut feeling, or followed your intuition. How did it all feel?