Whether we are thinking about it or not, we take refuge in our breath. It is the one stable solid ground we can depend on no matter what for as long as we are alive. Regardless of our internal processes, thoughts, emotions, perceptions, breath keeps us going. Whenever we feel stressed, scattered with worry, anxious…
Creating Bliss Through Mindfulness + Free 7 Audio Meditation Guides

That evening, I was sitting in the middle of the ocean, on a tiny mortar boat, with 3 others. We were waiting. Waiting for the dolphins. For them to come to the surface, make a few flips and entertain us. To our dismay, it was also pouring rain. Dark clouds across the Indian Ocean,…
Finding Your Purpose

What is the purpose of life? What is my purpose on earth? How do I find my purpose and fulfill it? These are all age old questions. But how do we know there is a purpose for all of us? (more…)