Ambition and hard work. These two usually go hand in hand. I’m yet to find anyone who has accomplished something major and didn’t work hard. And of course, they all praise and credit hard work for their success. Generation after generation, this idea, this belief has been passed on. If you want to do anything…
Tag: emotional barriers
Diary Entry #003 : Facing Fears: Story of how a scared turtle won

FEAR: In life, and in business, fear can derail success and happiness like no other. But can we really not do anything against it? Can fear keep us paralyzed forever or can we do something about it? (more…)
3 Mind Tactics to stop negative self-talk

Hey there entrepreneur super star! Yes, I am looking at YOU. What? You don’t think you are quite the super star entrepreneur yet? You do work your butt off day in and day out on your business, don’t you? You have invested all you got in to it, haven’t you? (more…)