I just got a new client. She paid how much?!$7,000 freaking dollars!That was NOT my doing. I don’t know how that happened. Continue Reading
Category: Confidence & Self-Esteem Boost
Breaking free of the hard hustle & shifting to ease & flow

Ambition and hard work. These two usually go hand in hand. I’m yet to find anyone who has accomplished something major and didn’t work hard. And of course, they all praise and credit hard work for their success. Generation after generation, this idea, this belief has been passed on. If you want to do anything…
Diary entry #007: How to find happiness when you’ve lost purpose

Last week, we spoke about the real reason behind stress & overwhelm caused by being in situations you don’t particularly like. Like being stuck in a job you hate, not being able to reach business goals when you’re trying so hard and everything feels wrong and stressful. And we talked about how re-creating or re-defining…
The easy way to overcome imposter syndrome as a coach

Fake it till you make it, they say. In more recent day quotes it goes “faith” it till you make it. I prefer to faith it over faking it. But self doubt as a new coach can be debilitating to the point of quitting. That’s why Imposter syndrome has to be dealt with before it…
The simple truth about “I am not enough”

Not good enough – has the thought “I am not enough” ever crossed your mind? I hear this a lot from my clients. And I think we all carry this negative thought in various degrees. You might feel like you’re awesome in one area of life, and feel not so great at another. And in…
Self love: How to access simple joy through your inner child

Were you raised by mean chimpanzees or loving polar bears? Actually, it doesn’t matter. If you have to take special effort for self-care, or you have to try hard to praise and compliment your ownself, there’s a bit of a problem. Do you ever wonder why we humans find it so friggin hard to love ourselves? Why…
Perfectionist Tendencies - Overcoming Perfectionism With Hypnosis

Perfectionist tendencies are common among entrepreneurs. Running your own business is not an easy task. And when you are a perfectionist, that just makes it that much harder, right? Perfectionism maybe a part of many clinical conditions, like depression, low self esteem, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive behaviors, and even something some of us feel kina…
Confidence Booster Guided hypnosis session

Self confidence hypnosis, yes, it’s a thing. You can totally and absolutely increase and boost your self confidence with mind training techniques like guided hypnosis, and self-hypnosis. If you often have thoughts like “I am not good enough”, “I don’t know what I’m doing” or “But I am not an expert” You’re going to love…
Building Confidence

Building confidence is so important to creating the life of your dreams. Yet, our mind is a strange thing. Our beliefs, our thoughts and and mentality is very powerful. It has a strange but powerful effect on how our life unfolds and our ability to succeed. And lack of self confidence can seriously derail those amazing…