How to manage stress. As a business owner this is a question all entrepreneurs should ask no matter which phase of business owner ship you’re in. For solopreneurs, who has to do everything alone it’s that much harder to manage stress with 101 priorities that’s going on in terms of building and running the business. I’m…
The simple truth about “I am not enough”

Not good enough – has the thought “I am not enough” ever crossed your mind? I hear this a lot from my clients. And I think we all carry this negative thought in various degrees. You might feel like you’re awesome in one area of life, and feel not so great at another. And in…
Self love: How to access simple joy through your inner child

Were you raised by mean chimpanzees or loving polar bears? Actually, it doesn’t matter. If you have to take special effort for self-care, or you have to try hard to praise and compliment your ownself, there’s a bit of a problem. Do you ever wonder why we humans find it so friggin hard to love ourselves? Why…
Dealing with guilt of not meeting expectations

Dealing with guilt of not meeting expectations is something we all experience. If you’re human, you have experienced guilt at some point or the other. But just to make sure, you have experienced guilt right? Emotions like guilt usually gets conditioned in to our subconscious at a very young age, with not meeting parents expectations. Which then…
Diary Entry #004: Blissful Mind: Do we have to be a high vibe, power packed ball of positive energy all the time?

Exhausted, beat up and groggy. Yep, those 3 words are right on point to describe how I feel today. Since January 1st, I have been waking up at 4 am. I follow my blissful morning routine, grab a power pack pre-workout snack and head to the gym. I’m in pre-season training for the Chicago marathon…
Overcoming fear of failure

Overcoming fear of failure. Interesting topic isn’t it? But I have two questions for you. Do you sometimes feel like there’s something preventing you from taking big risks? Or maybe you feel really uncomfortable stepping in to new territories? Here’s an interesting piece of information. Those 2 questions I just asked you, they may sound…
How To Write Affirmations That Stick

Ah! It’s a brand spanking New Year! You’re all writing new goals, new resolutions, purpose filled intentions. You’re ready to conquer and experience. But are you including new affirmations as part of the plan to accomplish those new goals? If you’re writing new affirmations this year, or you were starting to lose faith in your…
Intuitive decision making: How to develop intuition

Intuitive decision making. If you’ve been wanting to tune in to your intuition more, make decisions intuitively, today’s life so blissful episode is for you, (more…)
Perfectionist Tendencies - Overcoming Perfectionism With Hypnosis

Perfectionist tendencies are common among entrepreneurs. Running your own business is not an easy task. And when you are a perfectionist, that just makes it that much harder, right? Perfectionism maybe a part of many clinical conditions, like depression, low self esteem, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive behaviors, and even something some of us feel kina…