Do you often feel achy , stiff and like there is no energy even if you are well rested? Do you feel like you are out of balance but can’t really comprehend what is causing it? (more…)
Category: Anxiety & Stress Management
3 must know holistic habits to increase physical and mental energy

This is a story of my epic failure of a week. But first, let me tell you how it all started with two gigantic pizzas, a yummy-gooey lava cake and a bottle of sweet white zinfandel. (more…)
Coping with anxiety as an entrepreneur and beating stress to the ground

Do you find yourself declining invites you kind of want to go to? Do you worry about what you said over a text or an email when people don’t reply immediately? (more…)
Why do business owners need to focus more on self-love & self-growth

Most entrepreneurs rarely have time to grab lunch on time yet alone dedicate time for pamper sessions. Self-care, self-love and self-growth related to-do list almost always ends up in the last priority bucket. What’s more… Entrepreneurial life is often a constant swinging between “I’m so lucky to have my own business!” to “Holy crap, I…
Finding Your Purpose

What is the purpose of life? What is my purpose on earth? How do I find my purpose and fulfill it? These are all age old questions. But how do we know there is a purpose for all of us? (more…)
How to relieve stress with hypnosis + guided stress relief session

Being an entrepreneur is not a cake walk. It’s a journey of joy and struggle. Relaxation, joy and happiness is replaced by stress, overwhelm and burnout. Stress relief hardly ever makes it the top our to-do list. This does not have to be so for us small business owners. Running a business, building your dream and…
How self-hypnosis can help you achieve anything! Plus, step by step guide to self-hypnosis

Whether you are a newbie to self hypnosis or a master of the art of self hypnosis, I’m sure this guide will help you amplify your affirmations and help you program your mind for success and achieve anything you want in life. Talking of affirmations, here are some we hear a lot. Think positive. Be…