When I was 9 years old, I had the most horrifying nightmare a child could have. (more…)
Purpose of life - The correlation between being in the present moment and life purpose

Not so long ago, I wrote about finding purpose in life. If you find yourself wondering what you need to do in life, what would serve the purpose of your life and give you the feeling of fulfillment, head over to the post where we talk about the right questions to ask to figure out…
Unblock Your Chakras With Hypnosis

Do you often feel achy , stiff and like there is no energy even if you are well rested? Do you feel like you are out of balance but can’t really comprehend what is causing it? (more…)
3 must know holistic habits to increase physical and mental energy

This is a story of my epic failure of a week. But first, let me tell you how it all started with two gigantic pizzas, a yummy-gooey lava cake and a bottle of sweet white zinfandel. (more…)
How To Find Your Center Through Breath

Whether we are thinking about it or not, we take refuge in our breath. It is the one stable solid ground we can depend on no matter what for as long as we are alive. Regardless of our internal processes, thoughts, emotions, perceptions, breath keeps us going. Whenever we feel stressed, scattered with worry, anxious…
Coping with anxiety as an entrepreneur and beating stress to the ground

Do you find yourself declining invites you kind of want to go to? Do you worry about what you said over a text or an email when people don’t reply immediately? (more…)
One simple trick to easier brain programming

Have you ever woken up feeling all fidgety, tears dripping down the corner of your eyes? You know it was a bad dream but just not sure why you are having this reaction? Well my friend, you just had a Venting Dream. And this is good news! Here’s why + how you can use this…
3 Mind Tactics to stop negative self-talk

Hey there entrepreneur super star! Yes, I am looking at YOU. What? You don’t think you are quite the super star entrepreneur yet? You do work your butt off day in and day out on your business, don’t you? You have invested all you got in to it, haven’t you? (more…)
Creating Bliss Through Mindfulness + Free 7 Audio Meditation Guides

That evening, I was sitting in the middle of the ocean, on a tiny mortar boat, with 3 others. We were waiting. Waiting for the dolphins. For them to come to the surface, make a few flips and entertain us. To our dismay, it was also pouring rain. Dark clouds across the Indian Ocean,…